Good Monday everyone!
For those outside of Cinci, a thought for the week below. For those in Cinci, we hope to see you for this month’s Thoughts on the Rocks tonite, 6 pm at The Pub in Rookwood; we’ll be done by 7:30 so you can get home for the game or stay and watch the first half with the boyz. We’ll have a grid with some nice perks and prizes, winner must sign in but no need to be present by game’s end. I’ll certainly be home long before then!
This week’s Monday Moment thought is pretty straightforward:
What is your plan to have a Personal Championship Year? Think about all of the areas of our lives:
- Physical (In shape and healthy)
- Mental (Staying sharp, still learning)
- Social (Intentional friendships, newness and smartness as a way of life)
- Spiritual (How am I developing my faith this year?)
- Financial (Regardless of elections, politics, interest rates, investments…am I being a wise and generous steward of what the Lord has blessed me with?)
- Marital (If we’re married, what will take things to the next level this year? Why settle? And if we’re single, or single again, are we where we want to be? What’s the plan to do something about that?)
- Parental (Whether taking care of our parents, or raising great kids, or connecting with the in-laws…)
- Vocational (Am I doing what I’m called to do? Am I making time for what matters most, even if its over and above my career?)
- Relational (Am I taking relationships deeper, year over year?)
- Sacrificial (A key part of a healthy unspoiled life: what am I sacrificing for others?)
A kewl Bible verse says “With God, all things are possible.” What kinds of prayers might we dare to pray this year, according to that promise?
Make it a great week, around the country, and see you tonite if you’re in Cincy…-Doug