It’s Opening Day!
Nope, not for the NFL. That’s September 7.
Nope, not for golf at Kenwood CC. That’s April 22.
Nope, not Opening Day for fishing in Montana. That’s the third Saturday in May (and we’ll be there Sept. 5-10 and ???).
But it is, yes, indeed, Opening Day for Major League Baseball. Here from my Writers’ Veranda in Cincinnati, today is a holiday. The oldest major league franchise holds a parade. Restaurants open early. Bars stay open late. The NCAA Finals are an afterthought. And for the Reds – as bad as they’re expected to be this year – ticket prices run 4x – 10x over face value…to watch two potentially lousy teams play! It’s a day of Hope…Optimism…Wishville…Surprises. In prior Opening Days there’ve been only two rainouts, one Snow Day, and the tragedy of an umpire’s death. Ever since May 2 (my birthday!), 1882, when the Redlegs lost to the Pittsburgh Alleghenys, the Reds have opened the baseball season. They’ve lost more than they’ve won, and there was a tie in there somewhere. Now…to the point…
What if today was “Opening Day” for something in your life? And mine? What if it was Opening Day for trying something new with our wives? Our kids? Our work? Our free time? Our attitude? Our fitness? Our faith?
The World Series will wrap up sometime in late October. That is when the Dodgers will beat the Yankees in a historic traditional match-up. (!!) But in the meantime, what if – during this long baseball season – we sustained a trajectory in the same direction towards something important. Something valuable. Something that would make us a better version of ourselves?
I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours. (Hint, mine is based on a bible verse, Philippians 1:6)
In the meantime, hope to see you at our next Cincy ToTR, April 19, and Happy Opening Day! -Doug