Thank You Lord, & Friends & Happy 3rd Anniversary…

Good morning leaders, clients, and friends,

Well, I apologize, maybe today’s picture should have had a “Parents’ Warning” or sumthin’!! But yes, that’s my beautiful and enduring bride Denise with me in the hospital, 3 years ago today, just after I’d had a life-saving organ transplant, my third big surgery in 16 months. You’ve heard me talk often about the literal life-changing value of “Thanks-Living,” and my brief, short essay today is about one aspect of Thanks-Living.

In today’s brief note, I’m practicing what’s known as “Polishing Our Anchors.” As leaders, it’s important to remember (and even memorialize) the greatest blessings, seasons of victory, near misses, super surprises, you know…the kinds of events we maybe wouldn’t ask for again but the ones that strengthened our resolve, increased our perseverance quotient, won us big victories, drew us closer with those we love, and built our faith.

Three years later, I continue to be grateful to the Lord, the organ donor’s family, our family, and so many of you friends around the country who saw us through what was a very difficult season. Your prayers, texts, videos, cards, meals, wishes, and certainly your financial contributions helped us navigate a world we knew little about and discovered daily under pivotal and tangibly paramount circumstances. Thank you, so much. My gratitude has not waned.

Moving forward, can I share two brief thoughts? First, I thought I was pretty much a committed guy who understood stewardship of our gifts and talents, opportunities to seize on life’s opportunities, and the chance to make a difference. However, as the bard said, “What was past was prologue.” I had (and still have) so much to learn. The great verse from the Ephesian letter charges us “not to be unwise,” but to “redeem the time, because the days are evil.” If we don’t purposely and urgently seize authority over our circumstances and schedules, inertia will win out and we won’t recognize it until later.

Second, thanks to all of you who join together — through your commitment, finances, volunteer hours, shared gifts, passion & energy — to help us do what we do all year long. The Insignia Foundation is certainly having some growing pains (the good kind), as we’re growing fast and the life issues facing individuals, families, and companies are not getting any simpler. Yes, I had my season where at least one life was saved; I am grateful that we get to influence many, many other lives going forward, especially those who need it the most and can afford it the least.

I hope “Thanks-Living” and “Polishing Your Anchors” have a recurring presence in your life of leadership at work, home, and service. And I hope you’re not tryin’ it alone. Here’s to a great week for you and your family, team, division, organization, or wherever it is you are serving by leading, and leading by serving.

Best of blessings, -Doug

For More Info:

2024 Montana Fly-fishing:
June 25-30. [email protected]
July 23-28. [email protected]

Divorce & Beyond:
[email protected]

Zoom Round Tables:
[email protected]

Individual Coaching:
*Whole Life
*Crisis Response
*Young Guns, too!
[email protected]

To Support Our Foundation:
Credit card:
Insignia Foundation
P.O. Box 309
Loveland, Ohio 45140

Donor Questions:
Bob Lynch, Treasurer

Other Questions:
Doug, 513.207.2936

Thoughts on the Rocks:

Noblesville: [email protected]

  • Feb. 8
  • Mar. 14
  • Apr. 11

Chattanooga: [email protected]

  • Feb. 12
  • Feb. 26

Kirkland: [email protected]

  • Mar. 4 (Doug’s visit)

Santa Clarita: [email protected]

  • Apr. 2
  • May 22

Roanoke: [email protected]
Cincy/NKY: [email protected]

  • Feb. 21
  • Apr. 17
  • June 5

SoCal: [email protected]

  • Feb. 12
  • Apr. 3
  • May 23